SUMIFS Function in Excel

Sum Data that Meet Specified Criteria

SUMIFS is a function that adds the values in a sum range for any rows that meet specified criteria in a range. This is useful knowledge for anyone who uses Excel regularly. Read on to see it in action!

Quick Example

=SUMIFS(Sum Range, Criteria Range 1, Criteria 1, ...)

  • Sum Range: The corresponding cell that is to be summed, if the criteria is true
  • Criteria Range 1: Range of cells that houses the (first) criteria
  • Criteria 1: The (first) criteria to be flagged

When a function has "IF" as a suffix, it acts as a filter

  • Other examples include: COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS, and PRODUCTIFS

The plural form should always be used in lieu of the singular form, as the arguments remain in a consistent order.

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